so I required the ability to add wildcard partly in an hostname. ie ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['192.168.1.*', ''] I have seen this solution that doesn't require Django to be changed however I don't like it as I feel this could be a secuirty issue http://stackoverflow...
In case it's not obvious, this simple patch does not add support to Django to actually *create* the tables. I hand-created them like so: CREATE TABLE asterisk_peer ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE asterisk_peer_iax ( hostname VARCHAR...
For someone following a howto to get started with, say DjangoCMS your arguing that they should go line by line through a requirements file that they don't maintain and don't understand and modify it. Eventually DjangoCMS(who may not have this issue, but you get the idea) will update bu...
(or -l it will result in some problem or is not considered good practice. ) a bit of context, of the problem I want to solve. I have a django application and this application run some queries to the database, which are incredibly slow (I've optimized them the best way poss...
DO not use this in production, its not safe. S Silvain And one more answer in Django. To have a single view allow CORS from multiple domains, here is my code: def my_view(request): if 'HTTP_ORIGIN' in request.META.keys() and request.META['HTTP_ORIGIN'] in ['http://allo...
1所以你有两个 Django 中间件?我只会使用django-cors-header应用程序。确保将localhost添加到CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST设置中,并将CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS设置为True。- Bulkan 1是的,老兄,我之前尝试过这个方法,但没有成功。我设置了CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True,CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = ('localhost')和CORS_ALLOW...
django - dnsmasq - dnsutil - drbd - elasticsearch - environ - etcd - ethtool - event - extfs - file - gem - git - grains - group - grub - hashutil - hello - hipchat - hosts - http - img - incron - infoblox - ini - inspector - introspect - ip - iptables - iwtools - ...
It's really getting annoying to do this every time, has anyone else got this? I'm on OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard), and there IS an entry for PyCharm in my firewall telling it to "Allow", but I still get the pop up every time I start it.. ...
我已经尝试了上面的代码,但它似乎不适用于Firefox。 是否可以指定多个域,或者我只坚持一个? 听起来像推荐的方法是让您的服务器从客户端读取Origin头,将其与您想要允许的域列表进行比较,如果匹配,则将 Origin 头的值回显给客户端作为响应中的 Access-Control-Allow-Origin ...
I had the same problem when running Django from PyCharm: the popup would appear at each reload.I realized that my Run/Debug configuration had the Host value filled with (making the test server accessible from the local network). This is what caused the issue.I've emptied the Host...