1. 解释 git commit --allow-empty 命令的用途 git commit --allow-empty 命令允许用户在没有对工作目录进行任何更改的情况下创建一个空的提交(commit)。通常,Git 会阻止用户在没有更改任何文件的情况下进行提交,因为这样的提交不包含任何有意义的信息。然而,在某些特定情况下,用户可能希望创建一个空的提交来标记...
My code sets &git.CommitOptions{ AllowEmptyCommits: false, Author: &object.Signature{ Name: author, Email: email, When: time.Now(), }, } That however still allows completely empty commits through even if nothing was written. I am cloning...
首先mark登录自己的网站。找到自己的库 test/settings/collaborators把wanzi的登录名加进去。见下面的第一...
I often like to start a repo with an empty commit in case I want to make an interactive rebase or other easily able to modify the first real commit. Similar to this article scrounged from google's results: https://coderwall.com/p/m_pgbg/start-git-repos-with-an-empty-commit 👍1 vb...
我们在初见一个git仓库需要将之提交到远程仓库时,使用git pull origin master 命令操作时,会遇到这样的...
Background: Self-Hosted gitlab, I'm using the kubernetes runner on our own cluster (that gitlab itself isn't in). Edited3 years agobyJackBennett Marek Marczykowski-Góreckimentioned in commitQubesOS/qubes-continuous-integration@5e9db777
I also want (need) this. I have a repository where the history is partially filled with proprietary stuff, the HEAD commit removes this data. It would be great if I could push just this commit to GitLab while being able to pull new changes from GitLab into our internal repository with ...
# So force push changes: git push --force origin ticket_4102 # You have your work in a single corrected commit in the original pull request! The above isn't tested. Commit message guidelines (in short): A summary line of 50 chars. Separated with an empty line, paragraphs of 70 ...
GitCommit规范: 遵守GitCommit的通用规范是每个优秀项目比不可少的环节,不同的项目需求中会衍生更多的依赖项需要配置,这里我们通过介绍husky7、commitizen/cz-cli、commitlint三大套件的基础使用来让你快速上手拦截住不规范的Commit信息。 三大件套介绍(husky7+commitizen+commitlint): ...
request('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/refs/{ref}', { ref: `heads/${targetBranchName}`, sha: commitSha, owner, repo, }); } } else { // // create a new blob // create a commit in an empty repository await octokit.request('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/{path}', ...