9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Allotted Shares Inunderwriting, thesharesthat each underwriting firm in asyndicatereceives orbuys. Each firm has the responsibility toplaceits allotted shares withinvestors. ...
allotted verb assigned, given, allocated, designated, set aside, earmarked, apportioned Meetings tend to expand to fill their allotted time. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002Want...
Although additional time (15 days)isallotted forthecompletion of management evaluation processes arising from requests for management evaluation from staff members in offices away from Headquarters, with part of that time being allocated to decision makers in those offices to respond to requests for com...
wherein with respect to a minimum of delay bound or a maximum service interval for a traffic stream, servicing first a particular stream i with the highest ratio of the remaining channel time to be allocated in a service period S<SUB>P </SUB>to the remaining time is to be serviced first...
Thanks This library can be accessed via Site contents or reconstructing this URL. Also, below accessing this location, you can confirm the existence of this library by going to storage metrics on the site.
wherein with respect to a minimum of delay bound or a maximum service interval for a traffic stream, servicing first a particular stream i with the highest ratio of the remaining channel time to be allocated in a service period SP to the remaining time is to be serviced first before the ...
In the proposed model of this paper the actual processing time of a job depend on its starting time and the amount of resource allocated to it, and the actual setup time of a group depend on its starting time and the amount of resource allocated. Deterioration effect and two resource ...
Can we not go one place to find accurate storage metrics? We need to see which sites are using all of the data so if we have to spend the $$$ to get more, it needs to be allocated to that department etc. Hi One of the reasons your storage calculations does not match ...
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