T h e f e t u s a t t h i s time e x h i b ~ t e dmild-to-mod- erate bradycardia and hypertension. A further decrease in MAP and uterine blood flow followed the second dose of pentobarbital w i t h only minimal addi- t~onalcardiovascular changes in the fetus. The ...
具有热透镜效应的LD端面泵浦Z型谐振腔稳区的研究 2. Because of thethermal lensin the gain media which is produced by high power end-pumped,thethermal lenswill bring serious influ ence on laser. 由于采用大功率端面泵浦会在增益介质中产生热透镜效应 ,从而对激光器的运转产生严重的影响。
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