electrical wiring within automobiles, but is also used in many other contexts. A vehicle with a CAN system may normally, but not always, includes multiple Electronic Control Units (ECUs) which can be also called nodes. These ECUs can include Engine Control Modules (ECMs) and Transmission ...
Turning now to the block diagram of FIG. 1, the invention is illustrated in one exemplary application for controlling the transmission of data signals from a reading station 10 to a perforating station 11. Each time the reading station generates data signals, it also generates a "store data" ...
A control for a multi-speed automatic vehicle transmission is provided. Electrical and hydraulic components are provided, including pressure control or “trim” valve systems in fluid
transmits the encoded reading to a decoder located near the opening of the oil well, or other blind hole. Power is transmitted to the nodes through the transmission line. A photo-electric converter at the node converts the optical power to electrical energy that is stored to power the node...
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The processor 92 may also compresses the image data, as is known in the art, in preparation for transmission to an outside location. The amount of image data per document may vary depending upon the size and nature of the document and the efficiency of the data compression and reduction ...