The Earthen are a new Allied Races available in the War Within expansion. Learn more about how to unlock the race in our guide!
Within this guide, the steps to unlock the Kul Tirans as an allied race will be covered in such a way as to make it simple and understandable for anyone — even if they have no relevant experience within the Battle for Azeroth expansion. This is one of the lengthier races to unlock, ...
The first of the Allied Races forWorld of Warcraft: Battle for Azerothare available beginning with thepre-purchaseof the expansion, but in order to gain access to them and unlock their potential, you’ll need to do a few things first. To help guide you with your task, we’ve put togeth...
Allied Races Overview Legion Intro Guide Dark Iron Dwarves Mechagnomes Mag’har Orcs Heart of Azeroth Guide Lightforged Draenei Kul Tiran Humans Nightborne Zandalari Trolls BFA Intro Guide Void Elves Highmountain Tauren Vulpera Earthen Dwarves
Playable races: Hunter Mage Monk Priest Rogue Shaman Warrior Dark Iron Dwarves Blizzard Entertainment While they often played the role of villains inVanillaWoW, even going so far as to work alongside the elemental lord Ragnaros, the Dark Irons have recently undergone a bit of a redemption arc. ...
Battle for Azeroth Allied Races - Zandalari Trolls The Zandalari Trolls are the original trolls of Azeroth residing on the continent ofZandalar. They have a rich history and a proud heritage. Zandalari society worshipsLoa, animal gods and protectors. They also have a bond with the many dinosa...
Reaching level 50 on an Earthen character will unlock the Heritage of the Earthen achievement. With this achievement, you will receive the Earthen Heritage Armor. It is exclusive to your Earthen toons, meaning that other races cannot transmog this set. As a cosmetic set, it will be available ...
t gain theTwo Formsspell to switch to Human form until level 11 during the questNeither Human Nor Beast. So it is natural that you start as a Dragon/Drakonid, then after the intro quests — as with the Pandaren — you choose your faction, and that enables access to the races of that...
Allied races were introduced in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, allowing for 5 new races for each faction to be chosen when making new characters. While this is a typical addition to the game about every other expansion, in this expansion it was not on
Allied Races: Zandalari Troll While requirements to unlock the Zandalari Trolls have changed over time, this guide aims to give to quickest path to unlocking the Zandalari Troll allied race in Dragonflight. Getting to Zandalar Now, you might be wondering where you start. To consistently get to...