As an alternative to visiting the emergency room, which may result in a long wait and high out-of-pocket costs, our Urgent Care Centers can provide immediate medical access to patients with non life-threatening conditions.
As an alternative to visiting the emergency room, which may result in a long wait and high out-of-pocket costs, our Urgent Care Centers can provide immediate medical access to patients with non life-threatening conditions.
Our brave Arab brothers: The Colonial enemy promised you the independence of your countries in the last war, showing sympathy, love and care until he drove you to war, made your youth Cannon-fodder, and tens of thousands died and the rest came home handicapped and unable to work and make ...
For non-life-threatening emergencies, please call one of our contracted After Hours Urgent Care Centers. Back to the top What do I do if I would like to see a physician at after work but my family doctor’s office is already closed? Allied Pacific offers several locations of After Hour...
As an alternative to visiting the emergency room, which may result in a long wait and high out-of-pocket costs, our Urgent Care Centers can provide immediate medical access to patients with non life-threatening conditions.