美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati,简称UC)与Case Western和Ohio State University齐名俄亥俄州三大研究型大学。UC始建于1819年,在全美公立研究大学中排名top25,在世界2500所著名研究型大学中位列200强。辛辛那提大学的职业规划中心荣登全国榜首,图书馆名列美国和加拿大大学图书馆前五十。
Reports on the recommendations made for freshman students in a four-year program of Allied Health at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. Initiatives aimed to improve retention of students; Provision of quality academic advising; Development of student cohorts who would take most of their freshman ...
联合健康学院 (College of Allied Health) 联合健康学院与排名全美前40名的UC的医学院、33名药学院和护理学院共同组成UC Academic Health Center。它位于医学院校区,实验室设施先进齐全,拥有全美前十的医学类图书馆和丰富的合作资源 (University Hospital, Christ Hospital,Cincinnati Department of Veterans Affairs ...
University of Cincinnati.Williams, Stacy L.University of Cincinnati.Williams, S. (2004) A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of distance education in allied health science programs. Ph.D. Diss., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati.