Join us in Singapore on 1-5 November, for the global gathering of Allied Health Professionals at IAHC 2024, held in conjunction with the 3rd Singapore Allied Health Conference.
International Archives of Occupational & Environmental HealthKetelaar SM, Nieuwenhuijsen K, Gartner FR, Bolier L, Smeets O, Sluiter JK. Mental Vitality @ Work: The effectiveness of a mental module for workers' health surveillance for nurses and allied health professionals, comparing two approaches ...
“As long as they qualify as allied health (practitioners) they will have some element of risk and mitigating that risk should be one of the objectives of the act” 5 Regulatory Body “We are talking about public interest. So yes, because in this group it’s regulatory people, so safety...
Join us in Singapore on 1-5 November, for the global gathering of Allied Health Professionals at IAHC 2024, held in conjunction with the 3rd Singapore Allied Health Conference.