Hence, this study aimed to develop a research career capability framework for AH research careers within health services, using the specific setting of Queensland Health, a state-wide Australian public health service.This research involved four sequential phases: 1) A rapid review to identify ...
Parent engagement in child-focused interventions is increasingly recognised as an important aspect of effective intervention delivery. While several fields
We firmly believe that our people are our most valuable asset, so we work to grow and diversify the skills, knowledge and capability of all our staff. We embrace flexibility as a key principle to allow our people to manage the changing demands of work, personal and family life. I...
However, healthcare professionals often lack the opportunity, capacity and skill set capability to access and apply evidence and only a few go on to undertake research [5,6,7]. Research capacity building seeks to develop research abilities over the long-term, leading ultimately to ‘social ...
Suggested reasons for the retention of many parallel pipes instead of an increasing large pipe generated by merging of veins include: to improve the heat sink capability of the choroid; to help maintain independence of groups of choriocapillaris lobules; to retain a store of oxygen in the ...
An Interprofessional Practice Capability Framework Focusing on Safe, High-Quality, Client-Centred Health Service This paper describes an interprofessional capability framework which builds on the existing interprofessional competency and capability frameworks from the... ML Brewer,S Jones - 《J Allied Health...
This will serve to undermine system integration for health and social care if the capacity and capability for transformation are not attended to. Whilst there are ambitious global plans (WHO, 2015) to enable integrated services to be driven by citizen needs, there is still a considerable void ...
Keywords: digital;digital maturity;digital capability;digital literacy;healthcare;nursing;midwifery;allied health;workforce;consumer;care worker;care economy