National Commission for Allied and Health-care Professions Act 2021 and the Central Council of Occupational Therapydoi:10.4103/ijoth.ijoth_52_21INDIAOCCUPATIONAL therapy lawsHEALTH policyGOVERNMENT regulationPRACTICAL politicsSERIAL publicationsOCCUPATIONAL therapy...
Second, physicians may strike to improve healthcare delivery, thereby acting in the patient’s long-term interest (Ogunbanjo and Van Bogaert,2009). Such a strike may be justified because it could in the long run generate benefits for a larger number of people. Both the strike in Nigeria and...
Parent engagement in child-focused interventions is increasingly recognised as an important aspect of effective intervention delivery. While several fields
The Issues of Concern in Respect to the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act 2021 and the Notification on Laid Down Rulesdoi:10.4103/ijoth.ijoth_55_21INDIAOCCUPATIONAL therapy lawsOCCUPATIONAL therapy educationGOVERNMENT regulation...
The National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act -A dawn of a new era of physiotherapy in Indiadoi:10.4103/pjiap.pjiap_19_21Rajeev AggarwalSuvarna GanvirNarasimman Swaminathan
However, stakeholders strongly believed that the profile of the Allied Health Professions Health and Work Report needed to be raised nationally. Conclusion: The potential value of Allied Health Professions Health and Work Reports in primary care is recognised. However, in order to maximise this, its...
health professional groups stratified by Modified Monash Model and Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage.#The largest proportion of the 3 allied health professional groups (occupational therapists, physiotherapists and podiatrists) were found in areas classified as Modified Monash 1 and Modified ...
While the different allied health professions share similar recruitment and retention challenges, further research is needed to isolate factors impacting each discipline. Conclusions Retention and recruitment of different allied health professions is multifactorial. Organisational and workplace structure and ...
Allied health assistants provide delegated support for physical therapists, occupational therapists and other allied health professionals. Unfortunately the role statements, scope of practice and career pathways of these assistant positions are often unclear. To inform the future development of the allied he...
The National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions and Professional Social Workdoi:10.29120/IJPS.2021.v.12.i2.270INDIAPSYCHIATRIC social workOCCUPATIONAL achievementSOCIAL workersSERIAL publicationsGOVERNMENT regulationLEGAL status of allied health personnel...