To be a customer of Allianz Bank Bulgaria and a registered user of Allianz E-Bank; To log in to the Allianz Bank Mobile application using the same username and password that you use for online banking; To download and register in the Smart ID application of Allianz Bank, with which you ...
Allianz Bank Bulgaria Ad的其他支行 没有找到其他支行声明:SWIFT是属于S.W.I.F.T. SCRL的注册商标。S.W.I.F.T. SCRL的总部位于比利时Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe。本网站不属于S.W.I.F.T. SCRL的下属机构,也不是SWIFT代码的官方机构。本网站仅提供检索SWIFT代码的工具以方便网友进行国际电汇转账...
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The EBRD is considering providing a senior loan to Allianz Bank Bulgaria (“ABB”) in the amount of €20 million for on-lending to SME companies.
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(vi)particularly in the bankin 153、g business,the extent of credit defaults,(vii)interest rate levels,(viii)currency exchange rates including the EUR/USD exchange rate,(ix)changes in laws and regulations,including tax regulations,(x)the impact of acquisitions,including related integration issues,...
86、dustrialized countries,too.In the short to medium term,however,the strongest impact on growth is likely to come from the turnaround in interest rates,possibly including dramatic dislocations in the financial markets.The recent bank turmoil provides a foretaste of this.After years of zero intere...
80of the key rate-cut transmission to bank credit rates starts after one monthvs.four months for mortgages,for a transmission of around 70.Cyclical and capital-intensive sectors stand to benefit the most.Sectors that are heavily reliant on consumers and especially consumer credit are at the top...
Allianz Bank Bulgaria 是一家总部位于索非亚的综合性商业银行,成立于1991年。2003年10月13日,该银行更名为其主要股东 Allianz Bulgaria Holding 的名字。在此之前,该银行名为“Bulgaria Invest”商业银行。Allianz Bank Bulgaria 通过遍布全国的100多个分支机构和办公室,以及 Allianz Bulgaria Holding 广泛的代理网络提供...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is making available two credit lines worth a total of €27.5m to Allianz Bank Bulgaria (ABB) for on-lending to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and for financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The €20m SME...