Flax-Linen & Hemp L’Alliance du Lin et du Chanvre européens est l’unique organisation européenne agro-industrielle référente àéchelle mondiale qui fédère tous les acteurs de la chaîne de valeur du Lin et du Chanvre européens. Du champ au produit fini. ...
Flax-linen markets 60%FashionAll segments by volume 30%HomeInteriors, lifestyle by volume Applications & Co-products by volume InstagramFacebookLinkedInX / Twitter Follow us on our social networks @flaxlinenhemp Keep in touch Sign up to receive the latest news from the Alliance ...
Follow the news of Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp, the only European agro-industrial organization for European flax-linen and hemp.
Follow the news of Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp, the only European agro-industrial organization for European flax-linen and hemp.
PARIS — December 12, 2022 — CELC has today announced its new name and visual identity. The organization, which is the only European agro-industrial organization that serves as a global reference, will now be known as the Alliance for European ...