In vitro tests may be medically necessary for the initial allergy screen in lieu of skin testing. An initial allergy screen is 40 tests for inhalant allergies and 12 tests for food and other allergies. Additional tests may be medically necessary if any of the initial test results is positive....
By record linking with the Danish National Patient Registry, patients were identified who had either an International Classification of Disease (ICD) code for Crohn's disease (CD) or an ICD code for ulcerative colitis (UC) diagnosis. Using logistic regression, with the result of the patch test...
Date entryDate, String description, Integer typeCode, String reaction, Date startDate, String severity, String regionalId, String lifeStage){AllergyDaoallergyDao=(AllergyDao) SpringUtils.getBean("allergyDao");
Interoceptive detection rates were assessed via χ2 test (eMethods 3 and eFigure 4 in Supplement 1). We used linear mixed-effects regression to examine epoch effects of group and dose on HR, respiratory volume variability, respiratory results (reported in eResults 1, eFigure 3, and eTable ...
While both males and females had significantly increased prescription rates of anti-allergic substances after acid-inhibiting drug medications, males had significantly lower rate ratios (1.70 vs. 2.10 in females,p < 0.001 based on Wald chi-square test). There was also a highly significant age...
Associations between three allergy markers (number of peripheral blood eosinophil counts, skin test positivity, and serum total IgE) with mortality and hospitalization from any type and four common types of cancer (lung, colorectal, prostate, and breast cancer) were assessed in the Vlagtwedde–Vlaardi...
Using Geographic Information System software, patients home addresses were mapped and located within the greater Kansas City area by ZIP code. A food desert map was then overlaid. Using location and attribute value, we tested for individual clustering using the Local Morans I test for spatial ...
The research was approved by Medical University of Silesia Local Ethics Board (protocol code KNW/0022/KB1/78/17, date of approval 11 July 2017). Table 2. The International Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG) clinical patch test reactions scoring system. 3. Results The research group ...