Food likecow's milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfishare notorious for causing allergic angioedema. Also, some people with hay fever may experience swollen lips. How do you treat an allergic reaction on your lips? Oral antibiotics and antifungal creamsmay help your lips feel les...
Allergen avoidance:The key is to determine what substance (allergen) is causing your allergy and to try to stay away from it. That may mean avoiding any foods you're allergic to, staying inside to avoid pollen, keeping humidity low to avoid mold, or using bedding and pillow covers to redu...
(hay fever) andmanifestsas itchy, swollen lips and tongue. Atopic dermatitis, oreczema, can be caused by food allergy, as canhivesandangioedema, or inflammation in tissues beneath the skin. The most severe result of food allergy is anaphylaxis, to which certain persons withasthma, eczema, or...
Allergies are what happens when the immune system overreacts to a harmless trigger in the environment. It’s a case of mistaken identity: Immune cells responsible for protecting the body against germs misidentify and react to a harmless substance. The allergic reaction is what happens in the body...
Facial swelling, swollen lips, or tongue (angioedema) Widespread rash or itchiness Hives Cough Wheezingor difficulty breathing Nausea and vomiting Asthmasymptoms or asthma attack (in allergic asthma) Severe Allergy Symptoms Severe allergy symptomsare serious and can worsen quickly intoanaphylaxis, a life...
Usually, this allergic reaction causes your mouth, lips,tongue, or throat to get itchy and swollen. It tends to happen immediately after eating, but it could happen over an hour later. Although pollen allergies tend to peak at certain times of the year, oral allergy syndrome can happen in ...
Itchy mouth, tongue, lips, ears, or throat Swelling in the mouth area Scratchy feeling in the throat Hives Breathing problems Swollen skin Cough Sore throat Sneezing Runny nose Tightness in the chest The most frequently reported symptoms are related to oral allergy syndrome, but other symptoms can...
An ophthalmologist may perform additional tests to diagnose eye allergies, including an examination of the eyes with a microscope, which can reveal swollen blood vessels on the eye's surface. Another possible test looks for a specific type of white blood cell in the affected eye areas. This ...
What is sinusitis? Sinusitis is where the lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed or swollen and this can lead to them become filled with fluid. The fluid-filled sinus cavities can become infected from bacteria and germs causing further sinus blockage....
Facial swelling, swollen lips, tongue Cough Nausea and vomiting Wheezing Shortness of breath Headache Asthma attack Anaphylaxis When a severe allergic reaction involves two or more organ systems, it is referred to as anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can...