allergic –pertaining to an allergy: allergic to peanuts Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree al·ler·gy (ăl′ər-jē) n. pl. al·ler·gies 1. A condition in which exposure to a substance, such as pollen, latex, animal dand...
Pollen is one of the most common triggers for seasonal allergies, but other common allergens include dust, cats and dogs, different foods and drugs, latex, and insect stings. Allergies occur when a person is hypersensitive to something in the environment, causing their immune system to perceive...
The latex allergy epidemic : Latex is everywhere and latex allergies are following suitdoi:10.1016/S1088-0712(00)80018-7Robert DinsmoorMosby, Inc.Asthma Magazine
You may want to wear a mask when you vacuum. Keep pets in certain rooms, and bathe them often. Use a dehumidifier (machine that decreases moisture) to help prevent mold. Do not use products that contain latex if you have a latex allergy. Use nonlatex gloves if you work in healthcare ...
These are only a few examples of allergic reactions; more may occur based on the particular allergen and the person’s susceptibility. Allergy sufferers need to know what causes their symptoms, get medical guidance for effective management, and keep emergency medication on hand. ...
Response options included asthma, eczema/atopic dermatitis, hay fever/allergic rhinitis/seasonal allergies, insect sting allergy, latex allergy, medication allergy, and urticaria/chronic hives. Study Participants and Survey Weighting Eligible study participants included adults (≥18 years of age) able to...
Additionally, ways to prevent latex exposure, to educate health care workers and athletes about latex allergy, and to provide safe alternatives to latex are investigated.We searched MEDLINE and SPORT Discus for the years 1998-2002 using the key words latex, allergies, rubber, anaphylaxis, gloves,...
You may want to wear a mask when you vacuum. Keep pets in certain rooms, and bathe them often. Use a dehumidifier (machine that decreases moisture) to help prevent mold. Do not use products that contain latex if you have a latex allergy. Use nonlatex gloves if you work in healthcare ...
Latex Mould NHS information about allergies FIND OUT MORE Related services Food Intolerance Testing Service Identify your food intolerances for a better, healthier you. GET STARTED Anaphylaxis Treatment Service Get anaphylaxis treatment to make sure you’re prepared for allergy emergencies. No appointment...
An allergy is an uncomfortable immune response to a foreign substance. Reactions include rashes, sneezing, swelling, and itching.