Just like humans, dogs can have allergies, too. Consider some of the causes of allergies in dogs, how to treat them, and how dog insurance may help.
Environmental allergies in dogs are very common - and they can impact your dog's quality of life. Read about the causes and some natural remedies ...
Instead, your body’s immune system may have a reaction to proteins in your pet’s saliva, urine, or dander (dead skin cells). While it may seem like hair is the cause, it can harbor these other allergens—along with dust or pollen. Dander from cats and dogs can be anywhere—in the...
How common are allergies in dogs?They are a lot more common than you would think. If your dog's scratching is occasional, that's pretty normal, but your dog should not be scratching nonstop. That is not a normal thing. We see at least a couple of patients a day that will have ...
Pain in the abdomen Diarrhea Malaise or a feeling of being unwell Swelling over the lips, tongue, around the eyes, or on the entire face Although the various allergic diseases may appear different, they all result from an exaggerated immune response to foreign substances in sensitive individuals....
The itching is usually so intense that some dogs scratch and chew on themselves to the point of causing sores and hair loss, which can also lead to an infection. • TREATMENT • Flea Control In order to prevent this from happening to your Mini Schnauzer, strict flea control is ...
Allergies in a dog's nose Like humans, dogs can suffer from environmental allergies to pollen, mold, and dust. Household cleaners and other chemicals can also lead to inflammation of your dog's airways as well as runny eyes, a runny nose, and post-nasal drip. ...
Dogs can have skin allergies,food allergies,environmental allergies, and evenseasonal allergies. Signs of allergies can includeitchiness, inflammation and redness, swelling on the face, diarrhea, vomiting, chronicear infections, runny eyes,sneezing,and constant licking. ...
You may take them as a pill or use drops in your nose or eyes. Decongestants help your nose feel less stuffy. Steroids decrease swelling and redness. Topical treatments help decrease itching or swelling. You also may be given nasal sprays or eyedrops. Epinephrine is medicine used to treat ...
Dry Skin– Dry skin in dogs is another common skin condition, especially if you live in an area with low humidity. Dry skin is also very easy to detect and treat. This condition is characterized by cracked, tough skin, flakes of dandruff in the fur, and skin that is very sensitive to...