(Pathology)patholany of several blood diseases causing purplish spots or patches on the skin due to subcutaneous bleeding [C18: via Latin from Greekporphuraa shellfish yielding purple dye] ˈpurpuricadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publi...
Patch testing made a diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis to the textile dye basic red 46, likely to have been present in his dark-blue-coloured socks. Complete resolution of his symptoms occurred with avoidance of these socks. The patient had developed allergic contact dermatitis with a low...
I've also learned that people are allergic to slightly different things, as you can see since your husband and you have different allergic responses to different detergents. You didn't say whether you had tried the dye and perfume free versions of these detergents above or not, but I am gu...
Dyestuff intermediates, Chicago Red, Pyrazolone derivatives Employees of dye-stuff factories (3) (3) Reactive dyestuffs, Reactive Orange 7 Employees of dye-stuff factories (3) Arabian rubber powder dust Printing factory workers (2) (3) IsocyanateToluene diisocyanate (TDI), Methylene bisphenyl isocyan...
or purple dyed foods, you may have a rare allergy to red food coloring. The cause of the reaction is the pregnant cochineal bug, which lives on prickly pear cactuses from Arizona to South America, and specifically, their carmine pigment. Although rare, allergies to red dye can be extremely...
In some cases, the tattooed skin of those who are allergic to PPD will swell and blister, with the contours of the bumpy skin conforming to the shape of the original tattoo. "When they add the black hair dye at significant concentrations … we're seeing people with blistering and s...
At that time, I had no idea I had MCAS, and had the CT scan done with contrast, meaning I swallowed a liquid with dye (the dye can also be injected via IV). I began feeling hot and nauseous and chalked it up to the nasty tasting formula. For the next several days, I felt ...
[Contact dermatitis to permanent make up: manifestation of a pre-existing nickel allergy]. Examination of the permanent make-up by mass spectrometry detected nickel in a concentration of 1.8 ppm. No allergic reaction could be seen when the purified red dye itself was tested. This patient with ...
This argument was too absolute, especially for people with sensitive skin or skin easily allergic once allergenic hair dye can cause severe allergic phenomena. Sure to hair before the skin test, you can smear some hair dye in the inside of your wrist, red itchy that you belong to allergies ...
Allergic reactions from cosmetics occur on the skin where the product has been applied to the skin – thus the name “contact” dermatitis. It often appears as a red itchy, sometimes weepy rash. In some cases raised red welts, known as hives, may appear and localized swelling. ...