Joe shared his experience when he had an allergic reaction to laundry detergent. Joe says:I have been using regular Tide for a long time and would get minor rashes/irritation from time to time. Then, 2 days ago, while using Tide HE with bleach alternative I had a HUGE flare up and had...
I like Neil Nathan’s explanation at the beginning of the 8th chapter of the book: “This chapter is central to the understanding of how cells get “stuck” in a reaction that was intended to heal the body, but when prolonged, backfires and becomes part of the problem instead.” According...
I wouldn’t be able to read the results of this, but a Neurotherapist at the practice was able to look at my brain waves and tell me almost EXACTLY what my symptoms likely were (even emotional responses to stress and anxiety), where they sourced from, and what they would be able to ...
It definitely sounds like an allergic reaction to laundry detergent to me, because I have been told by a dermatologist that one of the most common symptoms of these allergies is itching.I would suggest checking out my article about laundry detergent allergy symptoms and their cure, for further ...
thing and besides I dont have a body odor , and you know spend more than 30mins in Shower. And by the way I never use Cigarretes,Drugs, alcoholic beverages. So please guys help me what Im going to do. I Really really need your help. Is anyone found a cure to solve this p...