英语单词:allergic to[əˈlɜːdʒɪk tə] 1. 意思 “allergic to”意思是“对……过敏;对……反感”,用于表达身体对某种物质产生的过敏反应或者内心对某种事物的厌恶情绪。 2. 用法 这是一个形容词短语,在句子中主要作表语,用于说明主语(人或动物)和“to”后面的事物之间的过敏或反感关系。
primarily nitrogen and oxygen, which are generally harmless. Allergies are triggered by the body's immune system overreacting to specific airborne substances like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander. While you might experience discomfort when breathing in dry or cold air, this wouldn't be considered...
It is possible that you have a basically harmless aspect of the allergy called cold urticaria. The cause of your reaction – which, luckily, is not as serious as hard breathing – is the release of histamines in touch with the cold air or water. Treatment of cold urticaria involves avoidin...
I like Neil Nathan’s explanation at the beginning of the 8th chapter of the book: “This chapter is central to the understanding of how cells get “stuck” in a reaction that was intended to heal the body, but when prolonged, backfires and becomes part of the problem instead.” According...
Newer mast cell stabilizer-antihistamine combinations are useful prophylactic and therapeutic agents in moderate to severe cases. Vasoconstrictors, cold compresses, and icepacks are helpful, and sleeping(if possible, also working) in cool, air-conditioned rooms can keep the patient reasonably ...
Patients may attribute persistent nasal symptoms to a “constant cold” and, therefore, it is also important to document the frequency and duration of perceived upper respiratory viruses [1]. Before seeking medical attention, patients often attempt using over-the-counter or other medications to ...
be allergic to:对…..过敏;( allergic adj对……过敏的;对……极讨厌的) I’m allergic to beef and mutton.我对牛肉和羊肉过敏 ⑸租房场景 live on campus住校live off campus住校外for sale可销售的房子for rent / lease可出租的房子to let同上rent租金utilities公用事业费locatio...
Yep we looked and felt cold …. freezing! The only other time we stayed at an Airbnb was the last two nights before we left to come back home. So most of our nights were spent camping, sleeping on air mattresses and enjoying the quiet solitude. WiFi in Iceland We purchased a mobile...
Reported risk factors for biphasic reactions include a delay in epinephrine administration and a longer interval to initial improvement. To date, only 4 cases of biphasic reactions after allergen immunotherapy have been reported. Objective: We sought to determine the incidence, clinical characteristics, ...
Decrease exposure to pollen.Stay inside when air pollution or the pollen count is high. Use an air conditioner and keep windows and doors closed. Add a filter designed for allergies if possible. Wash your hair before bed every night to rinse away pollen. ...