We report a case of a type IV hypersensitivity reaction causing oral stomatitis, presumed to be the result of common dental adhesives. The case was diagnosed using patch testing to the dental adhesives that were used in the patient. Both of the adhesives tested contained a form of acrylate ...
1. Bullous allergic reaction caused by colophonium in medical adhesives [J] . ChristoffersW.A., CoenraadsP.-J., SchuttelaarM.-L. Contact dermatitis . 2014,第4期 机译:医用胶中col虫引起的大疱性过敏反应 2. Sensitization to, and allergic contact dermatitis caused by, colophonium in nor...
Demographic distribution of the population is progressively changing with the proportion of elderly persons increasing in most societies. This entails that there is a need to evaluate the impact of common diseases, such as asthma and other allergic condi
Wantke F, Hemmer W, Jarisch R, Gotz m: Patch test reaction in children, adults and the elderly. Contact Dermatitis. 1996, 34: 316-9. 10.1111/j.1600-0536.1996.tb02214.x. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Margolis DJ, Bilker W, Santanna J, Baumgarten M: Venous leg ulcer: incidence ...
Final test was to listen to music on the APM for at least 2 hours before I slept for the night. Last few times when I had the allergic reaction I would wake up in the middle of the night with a severe itch and redness on both ears. Zero reaction. Now I did the same for the ot...
Acetone may also cause an allergic airborne contact dermatitis (ABCD), presenting a generalized skin reaction [12]. Although a substantial amount of spray-on fabric diluent evaporates before it reaches the surface, factors such as distance from spray point, diameter of spray nozzle, amount of ...
used in consumer products," Park wrote. "However, some users may be reacting to the nickel present in the surgical grade stainless steel used in the device. Other users are likely experiencing an allergic reaction to the materials used in the strap or the adhesives used to assemble...
Vesiculous positive (+) reaction to the permanent marker at 96 hours. According to the manufacturer, the marker contains rosin plus organic colorants and dissolvents; no further information regarding these two last components was supplied.
It is thought that arid climates may contribute to increased sensitization of cyanoacrylates because water drives the polymerization reaction, decreasing the number of monomers capable of recognition by APCs. With less water present in the air to drive the polymerization forward, it is thought that ...
Contact allergy to (meth)acrylates in the dental series in southern Sweden: simultaneous positive patch test reaction patterns and possible screening aller... Contact allergy to dental allergens is a well-studied subject, more so among dental professionals than dental patients. 1632 subjects had been...