How do you conjugate aller in passe compose? For aller, the auxiliary verb for conjugating in passé composé is the verb être. The past participle of aller must agree in gender and number with the subject of the sentence in which aller is found. The passé composé conjugation pattern for ...
je suis 比如说我是..中国人啊..什么的.这个我搞懂了一点还有j'ai 像是 我冷 的是用这个..小弟搞不懂.求大哥大姐指教唉.刚到在法国读书.讲的都是法语..都听不是太懂今天老师又讲了一大堆 PASSE COMPOSE... 分享2赞 冥王神话吧 驯鹿座 转:童虎外传法语文字剧透P01 Chine, Pic des 5 anciens. Yīlín...