It was snowing. Her son was waiting at home. And instead of meeting his mother at the door, he was greeted by two police officers who took him to the hospital to meet his father. Even though we weren’t friends, I have been affected by this woman’s passing in ways I could have n...
A carnival had come to town, not one of the small ones in the city park, but a big rip-roaring carnival with a giant (to me) Ferris wheel, many scary, vomit-inducing rides, a freak show and lastly, a girly show. The carnival was there from Monday through Saturday and since it was...
I’m mostly retired these days, but I follow a number of issues and write occasionally about them, I lecture occasionally about them, and right now I’m interested in sustainable energy and electric vehicles. I was a daily journalist for many years, but then when I was in my 30s, I we...
Plans are now being made for a training course to gitro the individuals who desire it 0, knowledge of first'aid, emergency bicycle ropairs t fireside a.ctivj.ties, no,ture study, proper food o.nd clothing, routes, psych()logy.__of' leadersh~p., o.nd other il1forma-tion-of vt\...