Researchers at the Allen Institute for AI in Seattle released new technology that was designed to make moral judgments. They called it Delphi. Anyone could visit the Delphi website and ask it a moral question. Psychologist Joseph Austerweil tested the technology using a few simple circumstances.Wh...
AI2是由已故微软联合创始人保罗·艾伦创立的非营利性研究机构,其使命是“为共同利益构建人工智能”。AI2的研究集中在开发能够像人类一样推理、学习和阅读的人工智能系统。该机构的工作有可能彻底改变包括医疗保健、交通运输和教育等广泛领域。 AI2成立于2014年,总部位于华盛顿州的西雅图。该机构拥有200多名员工,包括研...
Allen Institute开源体现AI框架AllenAct 非营利组织生物科学研究机构Allen Institute启动了体现人工智能框架AllenAct,其重点放在体现人工智能的可重现性研究,提供了模块化和弹性的研究环境。一般常提到的人工智能,可推理并解决抽象问题,而体现人工智能(Embodied AI)是人工智能的一个子领域,目的是要让人工智能能移动,...
(1)B.词义猜测题。根据A system named Aristo was developed by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence,a lab in the United States city of Seattle.It recently passed an eighth-grade science exam taken by many US students.The New York Times reporte
ScienceAI 23-03-28 17:52 发布于 北京 来自 微博 艾伦免疫学研究所(Allen Institute for Immunology)的研究人员介绍了 PALMO ,这是一个包含五个分析模块的平台,用于从多个角度检查纵向批量和单细胞多组学数据,包括分解数据中的变异源, 收集跨时间点和参与者的稳定或可变特征,跨时间点识别单个参与者...
We honor his legacy today, and every day into the long future of the Allen Institute, by carrying out our mission of tackling the hard problems in bioscience and making a significant difference in our respective fields.” He also founded the Allen Institute for Artificial In...
ForeCite is an open-source project developed bythe Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2). AI2 is a non-profit institute with the mission to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. Packages No packages published...
[ 导读 ]Xnor获Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence(AI2)和Madrona Venture Group260万美元种子轮投资 产品名称:Xnor 行业:人工智能行业应用 公司介绍:人工智能初创公司,本次完成260万美元种子轮融资,投资方为Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence(AI2)和Madrona Venture Group。
Allen Institute on Omniscience - page 1Allen Institute page
Allen Institute for AI I am a Research Scientist atAllen Institute for AI. I work on theAristoproject. My research focuses onInteractive Agents,Machine Reasoning,Scientific Discovery,User-centric ML, andSocial Science. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science fromUC San Diego, advised byJulian ...