Americaby Allen Ginsberg America I've given you all and now I'm nothing. America two dollars and twentyseven cents January 17, 1956. I can't stand my own mind. America when will we end the human war? Go fuck yourself with your atom bomb. I don't feel good don't bother me. I w...
Kissassby Allen Ginsberg Kissass is the Part of Peace America will have to Kissass Mother Earth Whites have to Kissass Blacks, for Peace & Pleasure, Only Pathway to Peace, Kissass. |
Ginsberg朗诵背景音乐是Tom Waits America I've given you all and now I'm nothing. 美国 我已经给予你一切 而现在我一无所有。 America two dollars and twenty-seven cents January 17, 1956. 美国 两元两毛七分,1956年1月17日 I can't stand my own mind. 我忍受不了我的头脑。 America when will ...
(Ginsberg 声称在 1948年跟诗人 William Blake 一样, 经验一些《启示录》式的异象 并 听到诗人 William Blake 的吟颂声音。Ginsberg 称这些幻听持续了十多年)America I still haven't told you what you did to Uncle Max after he came over from Russia.美国 我还没有说述 你在 麦士舅父(注3) 从 ...
and disgusting language.\" The poem seemed especially outrageous in 1950s America because it depicted both heterosexual and homosexual sex[5] at a time when sodomy laws made homosexual acts a crime in every U.S. state. \"Howl\" reflected Ginsberg's own bisexuality and his homosexual relations...
Free collection of all Allen Ginsberg Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Allen Ginsberg.
Free Essay: In the poem Howl, Allen Ginsberg challenges the modernity of American culture, which enforces the “best minds” (1) to give up their freedom to...
Kissass is the Part of Peace America will have to Kissass Mother Earth Whites have to Kissass blacks, for Peace & Pleasure, Only Pathway to Peace, Kissass. Allen Ginsberg Wednesday, July 19, 2006 poem poems peace Earth america mother Download image of this poem. Report this poem ...
Poet Allen Ginsberg composed "Howl" in 1955 and it was published by City Lights Books of San Francisco, CA the following year. He composed the poem in the middle of the 1950s, one of the greatest decades in history for mainstream America. It had been a decade since the American and All...
Ginsberg's two most celebrated poems, "Howl" and "Kaddish", are both love songs and requiems of a kind — the first for a "buddy" (Carl Solomon) and, by extension, for a generation, the second for his mother "Naomi" and the experience of immigration into the New World. However, ...