ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw|基于15个网页 3. 基因型频率 基因型频率(allele frequency):人群中特定基因型占该位点全部基因型的比例。如同一位点上两个等位基因分别为A和a,则A的频 … baike.baidu.com|基于5个网页 更多释义 释义: 全部,等位基因频率,对偶基因频率,基因型频率,基因频度...
allelefreq计算公式 等位基因频率(allelefrequency)是指在一个群体或样本中,特定等位基因的出现频率或比例。计算等位基因频率的一般公式如下:等位基因频率=(特定等位基因的个体数)/(总个体数)这个公式将特定等位基因出现的个体数除以总个体数,从而得到该等位基因在群体中的频率或比例。这通常以小数形式表示,例如...
allele frequency [英][əˈli:l ˈfri:kwənsi][美][əˈlil ˈfrikwənsi]等位基因频率;双语例句 1 χ 2 test was used to analyze interclass of Chinese medicine syndrome,genotypic frequency and allele frequency distribution.组间中医证型、基因...
(redirected fromAllele frequency) Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Allele frequency:Genotype frequency gene frequency n. The frequency of occurrence of an allele in relation to that of other alleles of the same gene in a population.
Allele frequency is a term applied to the relative frequency of an allele at a genetic locus in a population. The genotyping approach remains the gold standard of allele frequency determination; however, less expensive, much easier to perform DNA analytical methods for investigating pooled DNA ...
= 20/200.那么根据定义,出现第二多的就是minor allele frequency。 也就是allele C,MAF为0.4。
1)allele frequency等位基因频率 1.The allele frequency of HLA-B was calculated and was compared with the results from other population.方法用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物方法对辽宁8962名健康无关汉族人进行HLA-B等位基因分型,计算HLA-B等位基因频率并与不同人群HLA-B等位基因的多态性进行比较。 2.Objectiv...
Allele frequency is how often a specific trait is seen in a population. An example of an allele frequency would be to look at the percentage of people in D.C. that have blue eyes by calculating the frequency using the Hardy-Weinberg formula. How do you calculate allele frequency after one...
1) allele frequency 等位基因频率1. The allele frequency of HLA-B was calculated and was compared with the results from other population. 方法用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物方法对辽宁8962名健康无关汉族人进行HLA-B等位基因分型,计算HLA-B等位基因频率并与不同人群HLA-B等位基因的多态性进行比较。
Often called gene frequency; a measure of how ame common an allele is in a population; the proportion of all alleles at one gene locus that are of one specific type in a population. Author information Authors and Affiliations Clinical Investigation Support Pharmaforschung, Vienna, Austria ...