/plink-1.07-x86_64/plink--freq --counts --noweb --bfilefile--make-bed --outfile .frq.count (basic allele count report) Produced by '--freq counts'. Valid input for--read-freq. A text file with a header line, and then one line per variant with the following seven fields: 注意:这...
Allele count and Allele frequency data at 27 microsatellite marker loci in three breeds of Myanmar goatsPhyu, Pann PwintPichler, RudolfSoe, OkkarAung, Pyae PhyoThan, MyintShamsuddin, MohammedDiallo, AdamaPeriasamy, Kathiravan
allele frequency count number allelefrequencycountnumber(等位基因频率计数)是生物学中一个重要的概念,用来衡量一个种群中不同等位基因的数量和频率。在自然选择和进化过程中,等位基因频率的变化是非常关键的,因为它们决定了遗传信息的传递和传递速度。 在一个种群中,每个个体都有两个相对应的等位基因,一个来自父亲,...
7% of singleton (allele count (AC=1) and 55.0% of rare (AC小于1 and MAF大于1%) SNVs ...
Somatic copy number alterations (CNAs) are major mutations that contribute to the development and progression of various cancers. Despite a few computational methods proposed to detect CNAs from single-cell transcriptomic data, the technical sparsity of
The inputs to CalicoST are a spatial coordinate matrix S, a transcript count matrix X0 whose entries are the total number of reads from each transcript in each spot, an allele count matrix Y0 whose entries are the number of reads from the non-reference allele of germline heterozygous single...
whereki,ris the observed count of fragmentiin libraryr(either control or bound),fi,ris the predicted count of fragmenti,ηris a parameter that adjusts for the read depth, andηcontrolfi,control=1by convention. Unlike the original Java implementation of ProBound (http://github.com/RubeGroup/...
There were no significant differences in the age of diagnosis, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, platelet count or total white cell count between patients with or without thrombotic events prior to or post diagnosis. Table 2 Variable allele frequency (VAF) of JAK2V617F mutation in ...
After read assignment, we counted number of reads originated from each gene using BEDtools, resulting in a read count table for each of the two parental genomes. c. ATAC-seq read alignment, peak calling and quality accessment Prior to mapping, low quality bases and residual adapter sequences ...
Let αi denote the fraction of allele-specific reads in individual i, which depends on the number of heterozygous sites within the transcript. Instead of observing haplotypic counts \({Y}_{i}^{1}\) and \({Y}_{i}^{2}\), we observe total read count \({Y}_{i}^{\,\text{total}...