先锁定所有net(空网络是不能锁定的),然后再删除所有clines,这样就只把not on a net的线删除了。
WARNING(SPMHNI-194): Symbol 'SOD_123' for device 'SCHOTTKY_SOD_123_B5819W(DNI)' not found in PSMPATH or must be "dbdoctor"ed. 此类错误和没有PCB封装有关。 错误种类2: ERROR(SPMHNI-196): Symbol 'UTH12T02' for device 'XFMR-H1102_0_UTH12T02_H12T02' has extra pin '14'. 此类错误表...
On Windows/Mac OS X/iPhone/Android, JPEG image support is available by using the native facilities on the respective operating systems, so libjpeg is not required. FreeType, for TrueType font support. Home page: http://freetype.sourceforge.net/ Windows binaries: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge....
错误种类1:#1 WARNING(SPMHNI-192): Device/Symbol check warning detected.WARNING(SPMHNI-194): Symbol S0D_123 for device SCH0TTKY_S0D_123_B5819W(DNI) not foundin PSMPATH or must be dbdoctored 此类错误和没有PCB封装有关。错误种类2:ERROR (SPMHNI-196): Symbol UTH12T02 for deviceJXFMR- 2、...
We are a leader in global semiconductor technology with superior sensing and power solutions that drive e-mobility, clean energy and automation forward. On-Demand Webinar Maximizing battery life in industrial and consumer applications Register now ...
Used to ensure you don’t place components on top of each without getting a DRC. This boundary normally defines the component area which may or may not include pins of surface mount devices. This boundary can also be assigned a component high to be verified at the board level and checked ...
e:\\fpga\\sch\\basicboard.dsnnetlistdirectory: e:\\fpga\\sch\\allegroconfigurationfile: d:\\cadence\\spb_16.2\\tools\\capture\\allegro.cfg spawning...\\ #1error[alg0081]illegalcharacter\6_stepmotor(180.34,83.82). #2error[alg0081]illegalcharacter\40.64). #3info:pcbeditordoesnotsupportdots...
二、Allegro导入netlist的时候报错can not find symbol: 出现Netrev succeeded即可,说明已没有error了,可以直接打开自动生成的.brd文件了。但此时Updating Allegro PCB Editor Board仍然会有红叉,貌似还有问题。果然,在QuickPlace的时候,有一些器件的Footprint无法Place,提示的错误原因是can not find symbol,不知所云。
Similarly, the company’s logo is an example of an image as a watermark. Using a watermark on the generated schematic PDF file is optional. You have the option to use it only while viewing the PDF file, only when printing the file, for both viewing and printing, or not at all. Tag-...
allegro导入网表错误详解.doc,此文章由资深Layout攻城狗LGW(Gavin)提供,是其的经验笔记,可转可拷。 错误种类1: #1 WARNING(SPMHNI-192): Device/Symbol check warning detected. WARNING(SPMHNI-194): Symbol SOD_123 for device SCHOTTKY_SOD_123_B5819W(DNI) not fou