当capture完成原理图绘制,生成网络表并导入allegro PCB 文件时,出现封装存在但是无法放置元器件的情况,并出现如下提示: E- Cannot load symbol 'HDMI-19CKT' E- because WARNING(SPMHUT-127): Could not find padstack SMD_12X104_RECT. Command框提示:因为找不到焊盘文件,没法加载元件符号。 2 问题原因 3 出...
My circuit consists of some capacitors,resistors,inductors and the IRF150 transistor.The problem is that all components can be placed at the design in pcb editor except for the IRF150 and when i try to place it command window gives the message : " Cannot load symbol '806' "...
identifier.( T3 f' s6 b2 \$ X8 o: ?4 A& K E- Cannot load symbol 'OSC_SOCKET_TH'...
allegro 无法找到封装提示错误E- (SPMHDB-238): The database is corrupted. It may have been copied from a different architecture using ASCII mode ... copy using binary mode. E- Cannot load symbol 'RES_SM_R0603' 我已经设置好psm,pad路径, 求大神解答 0 已退回9积分 2016-9-27 19:21:17...
E- Cannot load symbol 'HDMI-19CKT'5 J7 L6 r0 ?3 W" E, P7 N% ?6 p9 K$ H0 k0 _1 ...
E- *Error* load: password required for reading file - "x_align_symbol.il"E- *Error* load: ...
duetoERROR(SPMHDB-274):UnabletoloadflashsymbolTHS79X59X45X4X15(CheckPSMPATHsettingforthissymbol)."原因:,。 二、Allegro导入netlist旳时候报错cannotfindsymbol: 出现Netrevsucceeded即可,阐明已没有error了,。但此时UpdatingAllegroPCBEditorBoard仍然会有红叉...
duetoERROR(SPMHDB-274):Unabletoloadflashsymbol THS79X59X45X4X15(CheckPSMPATHsettingforthissymbol)."原因:花焊 盘Flash没有创建.fsm的symbol文件,或是该文件保存路径与.psm文件不 一致。 .docin.com 精品文档 4 欢迎 。 下载 二、Allegro导入netlist的时候报错cannotfindsymbol: ...