The definition of allegorical is a representation of objects, people, or situations that have symbolic meaning. In literature, anallegoryis a form of narrative that uses plot, setting, or character to stand for a message that has a larger moral or lesson or makes a far-reaching commentary on...
The word “allegory” comes from the ancient Greek for “to speak so as to imply something other.” The definition of allegory makes sense coming from this term, as an allegory always has some hidden meaning below the surface. Common Examples of Allegory There are many common stories that we...
Define allegory. allegory synonyms, allegory pronunciation, allegory translation, English dictionary definition of allegory. n. pl. al·le·go·ries 1. a. The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative,
Like parables, allegories can use very blunt symbolism—but unlike parables, some allegories can be so subtle that readers don't always even pick up on the symbolic meaning of the text. Allegory Examples Allegory in Literature Allegory is one of the oldest literary forms, with writers long ...
What is an allegory in literature? An allegory is a type of story that’s built on an overarching extended metaphor. It appears to be about one thing, but when examined closely, the narrative arc, characters,central conflicts, and settings secretly represent something else. In this way an al...
When discussing literature, one might hear it described as "allegorical," but what does that word mean? To define "allegorical," one must first define the word "allegory." Anallegoryis a specific type of story with a double meaning, much like a metaphor. On the surface, an allegory functi...
Definition of allegory noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Allegory [N] [E] [S] A popular form of literature in which a story points to a hidden or symbolic parallel meaning. Certain elements, such as people, things, and happenings in the story, point to corresponding elements in another realm or level of meaning. The closer the resemblances ...
Allegory Definition Allegory Examples Examples of Allegory in Conversation Examples of Allegory in Literature 4.1k SHARES When studying the English language, you may well stumble upon the concept of allegory. But what is this? It is certainly something that you will hear in everyday speech but mos...
Allegory is found in many different art forms, but we’ll focus on examples of famous allegories in literature and philosophy. One of the most famous examples of allegory isAnimal Farm, by George Orwell. On its surface,Animal Farmis a story about farm animals that rebel against their farmer...