WHY ALL CARGO All Cargo understands the modern day trucking business. Being in the freight and shipping industry since 1993, we have seen it all. With the ELD Rules causing shipping delays and forcing senior drivers into retirement, we know that you need more OPTIONS! Lack of driver and truc...
Get in touch Let’s talk! Our team is always ready to speak to you.Allcargo House, 4th Floor, B Wing, CST Road, Kalina, Santacruz East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400098 1860-123-4284 customerservices@allcargologistics.com Social
[translate] aSell out concert 全部售光音乐会[translate] aall-cargo 所有货物[translate]
所属公司:Allcargo 成立日期:1993-01-01 所属地:印度 简介:Allcargo在全球90多个国家/地区设有200多个办事处,业务遍及全球。它的服务包括全球多式联运业务(NVOCC,LCL和FCL),泛印度CFS / ICD业务,项目和工程解决方案(项目物流与设备租赁解决方案),船舶拥有和租赁以及3PL和仓储服务。在Avashya基金会的支持下,All...
Allcargo Get a Quote WELCOME Our service range covers full and consolidated loads, air freights, courier service, ground freight, warehousing and project cargo. We take care of all the services related to the international transport of goods to and from Costa Rica, including customs services an...
所属公司:Allcargo Logistics Ltd 成立日期:1993-01-01 所属地:印度 简介:Allcargo Logistics 是一家物流服务商,服务包括全球多式联运业务、泛印度 CFS/ICD 业务、项目和工程解决方案、船舶拥有和租船以及 3PL 和仓储服务。 简介:Allcargo Logistics 是一家物流服务商,服务包括全球多式联运业务、泛印度 CFS/ICD ...
近日,经过思瑞的精心引荐和推动,美国货运物流行业巨头All Cargo与日照空港经济开发区成功达成合作,并顺利将中国区总部落地日照。该项目的落地,标志着双方在二手车出口领域将开展深度合作,共同推动和提升山东省二手车出口规模的快速发展。All Cargo总裁Lenny Ivanenko率领团队,在思瑞的陪同下,到访日照空港经济开发区...
9月26日,亿邦动力从外媒获悉,印度最大的货运公司Allcargo Logistics Ltd.正与规模较小的竞争对手Gati Ltd.进行谈判,拟收购后者部分股权。此次收购旨在为Allcargo的电商客户提供更全面的物流解决方案。知情人士透露,Allcargo正在就收购高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)持有的Gati 6%股权进行谈判,估值...
输入Allcargo Logistics跟踪编号/提单号以立即跟踪和跟踪您的货运,CFS集装箱,货物,装运,IGM,船舶交付状态信息。 查询 Allcargo Logistics Ltd客户服务: - 电话号码: +91-22-66798100 联系电子邮件 : marcom@allcargologistics.com 公司办公地址: 印度孟买的圣塔克鲁兹(E)CST路Avvashya大厦6楼– 400098,印度 ...
all-cargo 释义 Definition of all-cargo in English: all-cargo adjective That carries only cargo and no passengers; of or relating to such transport. Origin 1940s; earliest use found in The Washington Post. Definition of all-cargo in US English: all-cargo adjective That carries only cargo and...