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This project consists of the Python library kasserver and a few command line utilities to manage domains of the German webhoster through their KAS server API.At the moment the main focus is managing DNS record as this allows to automate the creation of Let's Encrypt (wildcard...
Using git: git clone --recursive Updating the git repository: git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive Without using git: get the latest release Usage/Setup Set your hook in your dehydrated config to dehydrated-all-inkl-...
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All inkl Card Fewo1-Heigl坐落于巴伐利亚自由州的菲希塔赫,距离查姆火车站有不到32公里,配备免费WiFi、儿童游乐场、娱乐场所和免费私人停车位。 这家公寓享有山景,为客人提供露台、休息区、卫星频道平板电视、带冰箱和洗碗机的设施齐全的厨房以及带淋浴设施和免费洗浴用品的私人浴室。住宿还配备烤箱、微波炉、炉灶、...