you’ve got the makings of a true Pokémon master. With this level of attention to match-ups and strategy, you’d probably make mincemeat of some our other favoriteTrading Card Games, too – likeMagic: The GatheringorYugioh cards.
Matt BassilWargamer’s residenttrading card gamesobsessive, Matt lives and breathesMagic: The Gathering, with a growing side-line inPokémon cards. One of nature’s born dabblers, you can probably find him building a deck that'll never be finished, flicking through anDnDbook that won’t mak...
Cards For Days They also have a nice collection of Pokemon, Magic, and now a YuGiOh selection, amongst others. Funkos & More TSM Mark Frankhouse Funkos & More New figurines like Funko but also some 90's ones as well. Take It All In ...