定义1:一个好的数据集应该既包含目标任务的训练数据,还应该包含可迁移能力的相关训练数据。 那么什么是可迁移能力的相关数据?提到可迁移能力就需要了解一下什么是迁移学习。 迁移学习指的是:我们可以在某个领域(A领域)学习模型训练模型,然后将这些知识在另一个领域(B领域)中应用。 对于ML/DL的数据,每个数据集都有...
三、位置编码 Positional Encoding 由于在机器翻译中,解码过程是一个顺序操作的过程,也就是当解码某个特征向量时,我们只能看到其之前的解码结果,论文中把这种情况下的multi-head attention叫做masked multi-head attention。 由于本文没有使用RNN、CNN结构处理输入,所以需要额外的手段将数据(字符)之间的位置关系引入网络中...
A TensorFlow Implementation of the Transformer: Attention Is All You Need - GitHub - wikipedia2008/transformer: A TensorFlow Implementation of the Transformer: Attention Is All You Need
2. 扩展:Diversity is All You Need 同样的计算互信息的手段被用在强化学习中的层次化方法中,最大化 latent 和 skill 之间的互信息,可以参看 Diversity is All You Need (DIYAN) (ICLR 2019): 在该算法中,策略被定义成 \pi(a|s,z) 。与普通的策略相比,多了一个隐变量 z 做为条件。 z 一般从均匀分...
It was the first stadium I ever saw, and I think for once in my life, it's worth visiting the stadium to see how things work, even if you're not a sports fan. A little Wikipedia information: this stadium was the main arena of the 1992 Summer Olympics. It is located on ...
Transformer - 《Attention is All You Need》论文解读 原文链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WDq8tUpfiKHNC6y_8pgHoA 谷歌的Transformer模型最早是用于机器翻译任务,当时达到了SOTA效果。Transformer改进了RNN最被人诟病的训练慢的缺点,利用self-attention机制实现快速并行。并且Transformer可以增加到非常深的深度,...
You can see more about them on both their Wikipedia entry and their website. For more on Toronto please go to my Tumbler blog: greenshoesandjam (TripAdvisor does not allow external links in the comment section) Read more Written September 28, 2018 This review is the subjective op...
Do you know the adage “A picture is worth a thousand words”? As it is said onWikipedia, “it refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single picture, this picture conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does”. Even though the ...
简介 :satellite: All You Need to Know About Deep Learning - A kick-starter 展开 收起 暂无标签 /yangxin2018/deep-learning-ocean Python MIT 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (4) 全部 近期动态 5年多前创建了仓库 不能加载更多了 ...
Wikipedia: RSS An Intro to RSS Feeds 964 You Need Feeds Why you should consider using RSS 1089 Back to the Future with RSS 1062 a WEBPAGE (in Chinese) to explain what RSS is 如何使用 RSS RSS 是干什么的? RSS 订阅傻瓜式教程 RSS - 高效率的阅读方式 RSS 工具和应用场景 🧱 Web Feed Sp...