dict.youdao.com|基于2个网页 2. 自助式餐厅 ...,将有一次与校长吃大餐的机会,地点次次不同,总之在自助式餐厅(All-you-can-eat buffet)享用午餐! sincerexie.pixnet.net|基于2个网页 例句
Seoul Garden:All-You-Can-Eat Buffet 吃着火锅自助餐,我想起自己这些年少吃,倒是大学时期的时候最喜欢和同学聚会去吃火锅自助餐,一大班一起吃好热闹,经常去吃午餐的火锅自助餐,因为午餐的价钱都会比起晚餐便宜,然后午餐吃饱饱的话,晚餐可以不必吃,有时我甚至过份到隔天中午才吃午餐。 Seoul Garden:All-You-Can...
However, nothing is more American than the infamous All-You-Can-Eat Buffet (pronounced buffay). 聊到西餐就得聊一下无限量自助餐! 说一下历史,美国第一个无限量自助餐是Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯这个城市发明的。这位老板当初开餐厅是亏损的,但是在客户赌博上的钱都赚回来了! 我们一起了解一下。胆固醇高的...
All-you-can-eat buffet unless you eat too much
Shipping, the next town on the route, was overjoyed. “Welcome!” someone wrote on social media: “We have all-you-can-eat berries, dragon fruit, and kiwis. We even have a lake for baths!” Monitoring progress Despite the enthusiasm and extravagance, government agencies have been monitoring...
2020-11-27 - 2020 Holiday Ornament and Black Friday Sale 2020-02-22 - The Forums Are Back! 1312 - Poor Sleep Hygiene 1311 - Take a Moment 1310 - Like a Rose 1309 - Tiny Ideas 1308 - Big Feelings RSS Feeds: OOTS All-You-Can-Eat Brain Buffet...
Mr Basrai’s Edinburgh world cuisines serves up a delectable buffet That Has A wide array of global cuisines in affordable Price
not a buffet. It can be the normal kind where you remain seated and a waitress brings you ...