[3653星][4m] [C] facebook/fishhook A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS. [3280星][2m] [Swift] yagiz/bagel a little native network debugging tool for iOS [3202星][4m] [Objective-C] naituw/ipapatch Patch iOS Apps, The Easy Way, Without...
2018.04 [nettitude] WinDbg: using pykd to dump private symbols 2018.02 [comae] YARA scans in WinDbg Android 工具 新添加的1 [6101星][3m] [Java] google/android-classyshark 分析基于Android/Java的App或游戏 [6094星][5m] [Java] qihoo360/replugin RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use And...
We prove that for any $\\mathbb {F}_{q}$ -symmetric memoryless channel, any code length, and any code dimension, all the codeword symbols in such polar codes have the same symbol error rate (SER) under the successive cancellation (SC) decoder. 展开 ...
IsMatch( TextInput1.Text, "hello", Contains )Tests whether the user's input contains the word "hello" (case sensitive).false IsMatch( TextInput1.Text, "hello", Contains & IgnoreCase )Tests whether the user's input contains the word "hello" (case insensitive).true ...
const allstrgen = require('all-str-gen') # syntax const string = allstrgen.generateString(count, uppercase, lowercase, number, symbols) # usage const string = allstrgen.generateString(8, true, true, false, true) Passphrase Generator Generate passphrases with a word count Generate passphra...
how to insert greek characters and mathematical symbols into textes? How to insert or delete specific row in tablelayoutpanel? how to insert/modify listview subitem How to install Log4Net 2.0.8 on VB VS2017? How to jump to a specific tab in the tabcontrol? How to keep Splash Screen display...
After tokenization into sub-word units, we replaced each distinct sub-word unit by a unique symbol and CMIX is then used to compress both the resulting symbol sequence and the mapping of sub-word units to 1–4 byte symbols in order to the calculate compression ratio for each available ...
for word in tokens: # eliminate double spaces if not word: continue new_word = [out for segment in self._isolate_glossaries(word) for out in encode(segment, self.bpe_codes, self.bpe_codes_reverse, self.vocab, self.separator, ...
-v. coded, coding, codes to put into code, (syn.) to encode.ENCODE v. 1 to change written material into secret symbols. -Newbury House Dictionary ©1999. CURTAIN n. [OE. cortin, curtin, fr. OF. cortine, curtine, F. courtine, LL. cortina, also, small court, small inclosure ...
In the ’50s and ’60s, Ingmar Bergman became the poster boy for the mystique of art-house cinema by filling his black-and-white movies with symbols, metaphors, dreams. Yet his great searing drama about the experience and meaning of divorce carries none of that literary burden. It’s a ...