Bobbye Middendorf, MA, Inner Wisdom Keeper & Sacred Space Holder Bobbye Middendorf, MA,with Goddess-hearted Presence, lives the priestess path. As a beacon, she embodies portals of potentialities, a living bridge for others committed to Yin Arising in exultant devotion to Infinite Mother. Facilit...
Peter's College – Old Boys' Union is an active group and acts as a catalyst in assisting Fr. Rector in more than one way. The Newsletter of April 2014, displays the progress made by the school in numerous areas of interest. The publication is named appropriately – Blue, White […] ...
◆ The names of the weapon forging materials “Northlander Sword Prototype,”“Northlander Bow Prototype,”“Northlander Claymore Prototype,”“Northlander Catalyst Prototype,” and “Northlander Polearm Prototype” are revised to “Northlander Sword Billet,”“Northlander Bow Billet,”“Northlan...
The trickster, the riddler, the keeper of balance, he of the many faces who finds life in death and who fears no evil; he who walks through doors. —Christopher Paolini 78 In life... we need to find a balance. You have to set rules and limitations - that is called discipline. And ...
has moved four positions closer to becoming a failed state— from 19 to 15— more than any other country in the world. If it descended this fast, who knows how much time it could take to go further. All Ethiopians should be alarmed at ...
[瑞典] 英格玛·伯格曼 / 张红军 / 广西师范大学出版社 / 2017-8 / 88.00元 2024-12-10 想读 纸质版 59.47元 去看电子版 记忆萦回 : 布鲁姆文学回忆录 [美]哈罗德·布鲁姆 / 李小均 / 中信出版社 / 2024-9 / 168 2024-12-07 想读 纸质版 92.40元 守望...
2010-02-17(柏林电影节) / 2010-04-01(俄罗斯) / 吉里格力·多布金 / 谢尔盖·普斯科帕里斯 / 伊戈尔·切涅维奇 / 俄罗斯 / 阿列克谢·普斯科帕里斯基 / 130分钟 / 124分钟 / 我是怎样度过这个夏天 / 剧情 / Aleksei Popogrebsky / 俄语 2010-12-30 标签: 俄罗斯 Keeper...
2011-03-30(日本) / 芦田爱菜 / 满岛光 / 桥本智哉 / 本田望结 / 黑田博之 / 庵原凉香 / 佐藤瑠生亮 / 岸部一德 / 小西真奈美 / 片桐入 / 犬山犬子 / 西田尚美 / 水野真纪 / 近藤芳正 / 惠俊彰 / 横山惠 / 日本 / / 水田伸生 / 105分钟 / 再见我们的幼儿...
Inner Wisdom Keeper Spoken Word Alchemist * Dream Mentor Vision Midwife * Yin Arising Catalyst Mystic. Healer. Creator. Poet. Dreamer. BEACON…for CoCreators Dreaming in a New Reality Where All Life Flourishes ...
2012-12-19 标签: 美国 杯酒人生 人生 文艺 剧情 生活 老男人 Keeper > 豆瓣主页 > 全部想看(69) 想看的标签 ··· 按标签量排序·按首字母排序 剧情 10 美国 9 青春 8 纪录片 5 法国 4 喜剧 3 人生 3 成长 3 日本 3 爱情 3 犯罪 2 文艺 2 英国 2 旅行 2 黑色...