wdsutil /get-alldriverpackages [/server:<servername>] [/show:{drivers | files | all}] [/filtertype:<filtertype> /operator:{equal | notequal | greaterorequal | lessorequal | contains} /value:<value> [/value:<value> ...]] 参数
属性值(操作数据)是一种类型为 KSDS3D_LISTENER_ALL的结构,用于指定 3D 侦听器的所有属性。 此结构类似于 Microsoft Windows SDK 文档中介绍的 DS3DBUFFER 结构。 返回值 KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER_ALL 属性请求返回 STATUS_SUCCESS,以指示它已成功完成。 否则,请求将返回适当的错误状态代码。
Download drivers for all devices such as printer drivers, camera driver, card driver and windows driver
Web service to find easily your drivers, detect your hardware and software configuration and diagnose problems such as system crashes and the BSOD (blue screen of death). - DriversCloud.com
按照以下步骤在 Windows Vista 和更高版本的 Windows 上配置 AllSigningEqual 组策略: 在“开始”菜单上,单击“运行”。 输入GPEdit.msc以执行组策略编辑器,然后单击确定。 在组策略编辑器的左窗格中,单击计算机配置。 在管理模板页上,双击系统。 在“系统”页面上,双击“设备安装”。
Windows 10 Build 19536: Optional Drivers The latest Windows 10 version intends to include drivers, feature updates, and monthly non-security quality updates in one place. So Optional updates are found in Settings => Update & Security => Windows Update => View optional updates. When Windows will...
This time, i will install windows and chipset drivers, then do a backup BEFORE I install the sound drivers so I can quickly restore back if need be. Thanks for the help! 0 Kudos Reply JohnAb Level 17 05-30-2023 10:59 AM I do have SS3 installed, but perhaps als...
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) I recently purchased an Omen 25L desktop and it was delivered in January. It came with Windows 11 and I downgraded it to Windows 10. When I go to the HP website to get my drivers, the HP support site asks...
Windows System Image Manager Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool (DISM)The key advantage of using Windows ADK for IT teams is to apply different tools to test software, drivers, and hardware compatibility before finally moving to Windows 11 or 10...
適用于 Windows 的 UEFI 通訊協定 Windows UEFI 韌體更新平臺 Windows 10 行動裝置版開機環境中的電池充電 SoC 平臺的 Windows ACPI 設計指南 安全性 磁碟分割配置 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 新增至挑戰 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 ...