In Genshin Impact , there are many weapons at your disposal. The type of weapon that you ultimately use will guide your attack strategy in-game. Below is a detailed listing of all weapons available in Genshin Impact. Click on a specific item for further details. Weapon Base ATK Bonus...
In Genshin Impact, there are five weapon types that players can use. When selecting your weapon of choice, it does depend on which character is wielding it as to how good it truly is. But, sometimes the weapons are just better, through flexibility of use and base stats. For this, we’...
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just having it as one of their weapon types can provide many advantages. For example, the Longbow paired with the Wand & Tome can result in one ofthe best healing methodsthe game has to offer. Here's how all the weapon types in the...
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The Skyward Blade is the best weapon for anemo, electro, and geo Traveler. You can also use Festering Desire as a replacement weapon.For dendro Traveler, Freedom-Sworn or Sacrificial Sword are your best options. To capitalize on hydro Traveler’s elemental damage,we recommend using Haran Geppak...
+ Integrates well into Geo teams with F2P weapon options.- On-field damage is locked behind C6 and requires another Geo for optimal performance. Tier B Characters in Genshin Impact Genshin Impact B-tier heroes are notorious for lacking versatility and need a little more investment to shine. ...
phonowell/genshin-impact-script - 原神脚本,包含自动钓鱼、自动拾取、自动跳过对话等多项实用功能。A Genshin Impact script includes many useful features such as automatic fishing, automatic item pickup, automatic dialogue skipping, etc. pjagada/spawn-juicer - Multi-instance and single-instance set seed...
Clockwork Meka is a Genshin Impact enemy group unique to Fontaine. There are seven types of normal Clockwork Meka and four types of Specialist Meks that can be found both on land and underwater, and all drop the same character and weapon Ascension materials:Meshing Gear, Mechanical Spur Gear...
Fruits of Shinsa: Increases Ayaka’s chances of getting double the product when she crafts weapon ascension materials. Keqing Main Attack: Yunlai Swordsmanship Normal Attack – Deal up to 5 rapid strikes Charged Attack – At the cost of stamina, deliver 2 rapid sword strikes ...