(1) 作为一部军事专著,《孙子兵法》(英译名:The Art of War)不仅被国人奉为经典,在全世界也享有极高的知名度。这句“All warfare is based on deception”,更是被许多美国人所熟知,甚至到了脱口而出的地步。 (2) Deception,意思为:欺骗。它对应中文原文中的“诡”字。无论古代冷兵器厮杀,抑或是现代...
“All warfare is based on deception”, which emphasizes that the essence of war is fraud. ( 参考答案:错 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 不定项选择 蛙泳腿技术分为收腿、翻脚、蹬夹腿、并拢滑行4个步骤进行。 A.错误 B.正确 点击查看答案
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder...
The Great Deception; the War to End All Wars Was Started by Men, Leaders Who Lied to Their People, Not Seemingly Random EventsByline: Michael Meyer
In a production that intertwines choreography, philosophy and fantasy, All War is Deception takes the audience into the world of a child’s toy-box, where a dancing doll encounters a regiment of toy soldiers. In this unforgettable show of firearms and fl
Also ranks #5 on The 30 Best Dinosaur Movies For Kids 26 The Bridge on the River Kwai William Holden, Alec Guinness, Sessue Hayakawa 330 votes Set against the backdrop of World War II, The Bridge on the River Kwai is an epic war film that tells the story of British POWs, led ...
The WEF wrote in a June briefing: “The old rules-based order that was established after the Second World War is succumbing to unprecedented pressure as we enter a new multipolar world that will require an updating of these rules rather than their complete abandonment.”...
Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies About Making An Escape Also ranks #1 on Great War Movies With Hardly Any Violence In Them Also ranks #2 on The Greatest '60s Movies, Ranked 8 Papillon Steve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman, Victor Jory 1,060 votes A harrowing tale of survival, friendship, ...
Concept art and a deleted scene showed that the flashbacks would have seen Sauron killing Gil-galad in the War of the Last Alliance. In the Prologue of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, the Dark Lord is shown forging the One Ring, seeking to dominate all life. From...
Molly Wood (Pippa Scott) tells Trampas of the outbreak of the Spanish-American war and says she is impressed with a man in uniform, so Trampas rides to San Antonio, Texas to join the Rough Riders being formed by Teddy Roosevelt. Steve Hill and the Virginian follow, intent on persuading ...