Special dishes in Genshin Impact can only be made by certain characters. Below, you will find a list of the characters, the dish they can make, and the effect it will have on whoever eats it, or the whole party if applicable. Recommended Videos Below, you can find a list of all the...
Which of the following areas do not contain any Violetgrass? Qingxu Pool Which of the following attacks is a Cyro Abyss Mage’s shield immune to? Kaeya’s Elemental Skill Which of the following cannot be achieved with the Archive? Obtaining detailed information on items that have not yet bee...
How to unlock Qiqi in Genshin Impact Screenshot by Gamepur Qiqi is a “standard” 5-star character, meaning you can obtain her in a couple of different ways. She is one of the 5 stars you can obtain from the Standard Banner and a potential drop during every 5-star pull. As with oth...