Old Snake may have a creaky back and snarl even more than he used to, but he's still got it where it counts. MGS4 is still a technical showcase for PS4 and one of the best stealth games, just as MGS2 was for PS2 before it. But, crucially, it uses the advancements in technology...
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater – Everything we know about the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake South of Midnight wants you to feel like you're "inside a miniature" – and after playing one chapter, I want to stay in this world foreverGAME...
MGS: Snake Eater 3D combine MGS4 and Peace Walker Michael Pakter not believe in the success of PSN Pass Microsoft - Sony: the mega-alliance or Fiction Microsoft announced the new XDK Microsoft brings the future of science fiction films Microsoft denies the creation of a new console Microsoft ...
Based on the expanded versions of each (Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, respectively), the games followed the further adventures of Solid Snake (and Big Boss) in the increasingly-convoluted storyline about patriot control and individual freedom. The stealth elem...
In many ways, remakingMetal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eateris an obvious choice. The game is a near-universally beloved PS2 classic, one of the best stealth action games of all time, and is filled with iconic moments and set pieces. And the remake —titledMetal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater...
Big Boss vs Raiden vs Solid Snake vs Lota/Atoi lol. There is potential here, do not abandon what has been started. Please! PS4 needs more local 4 player co-op. On that note please keep cracking at a Kart racing/combat game. Feels like Mod Nation Racers was just abandoned. d...
There was a lot announced atyesterday’s big PlayStation Showcase, but I can’t stop thinking about how stylishBungie’s revival ofMarathonlooks. The colors! The textures! The tardigrades? Whatever is going on, I want in. How do you remake a game like Snake Eater without a director lik...
1. Big Boss / Solid Snake / Venom Snake (Metal Gear series) Developer: Konami Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid / MGS2) is the archetypal 1980s action hero: a gruff, sardonic, chain-smoking special services veteran. But it's Hideo Kojima's subversion of the 'Snake' character that defies...