5) gas constant R 气体常数R 1. The corresponding calculation method of gas constant R was also proposed. 对于诸多教材中采用《气体常数R的测定》中实验装置所对应的实验原理—分压定律提出了质疑,并且根据分压定律模型和分体积定律模型说明在此实验装置条件下更适合应用分体积定律,并给出了相应的理想气体...
isochlorthion isochoric gas exchang isochronous operation isochronous stratigra isochronous transfer isochronousdigitalsig isoclinal anticline isoclinal ridge isoclines of phase pl isocolon isocyanate adhesive isocyanic acid cycloh isocyanuraat isocyanurimide isodecanoic acid cadm isodiffusion surface isod...
2) laws,gas 气体定律 例句>> 3) gas constant 气体常数 例句>> 4) Henry's law constant 亨利定律常数 1. In view of the urgency of studying the behaviors of volatile toxic matters in natural multimedia system, the recent research progress for the Henry's law constant of environmental ...
1) ideal gas constant 理想气体常数2) ideal gas constant R 理想气体常数R 1. According to Dalton's law of partial pressures,the principle of experiment "Determination of the ideal gas constant R",the volume and pressure of hydrogen produced in the experiment were analyzed and discussed. 从...
we value respect for we ve got it we view look here we walked downstairs we want more things we want to order 800c we want validation we wanted to kiss at we warn them we welcome internatio we went on hopping we were at the back o we were moving mounta we were paying and th we...
gas constant 表征气体性质的一个普适常量。全称为摩尔气体常量,又称普适气体常量,简称气体常量,常用符号R表示。根据理想气体状态方程pV=υRT,R等于1摩尔任何理想气体的压力p和体积V的乘积除以绝对温度T,取标准状态T=273.15K,p=1大气压,标准状态下的气体体积V0可由实验得出比较准确的数值,为V0=22.41410×10-3米...
The usual way to cope with this is to subtract a certain constant from the value of thegasinstruction (this constant includes the costs for performing this subtraction...). This is of course all very fragile and means that if we ever increase the gas costs of the instructionscall,gas,subor...
Investigation of the liquid-sitle mass transfer coefficient revealed that the k(L)/[OH(-)](0.5) value was a constant, thus demonstrating that the system obeyed second-order kinetics. Evidence also shows that liquid-side resistances are within the range of 27%-99%, indicating that gas-side ...
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6) gas constant 气体常数 例句>> 补充资料:光行差常数 天文常数之一。光行差是由观测者运动引起的,光行差位移同观测者的平均运动速度v 和光速c有关。v/c称为光行差常数。作为天文常数的光行差常数,是指周年光行差常数,以κ 表示。在这种情况下,v表示地球公转的平均线速度。 光行差常数可以通过天文观测来确定,主要...