If we want to find out whether he has ranked in the top 10 in all of his races, we could use theall()method. Here’s an example program that usesall()to check if John Appleseed has ranked in the top 10 in every one of his Indy 500 races: race_wins_indy_500 = [False,False,...
There are a number of options to control serialization which are provided as keyword arguments to severaldillfunctions: withprotocol, the pickle protocol level can be set. This uses the same value as thepicklemodule,DEFAULT_PROTOCOL. withbyref=True,dillto behave a lot more like pickle with certa...
📔📝 Here's raw_login_driver.py, which uses the Driver Manager. Runs with pure python. (The driver is an improved version of Selenium's raw driver, with more methods.)from seleniumbase import Driver driver = Driver() try: driver.open("seleniumbase.io/simple/login") driver.type("#...
ThePyCharm debuggerhas grown more powerful, too. Now it includes anInline Debuggerfor easy inspection of variables, function parameters and objects right inside the editor. Thematplotlib interactive modenow works in both Python and Debugger consoles. The debugger supports two new options,Ignore library...
Uses industry standard tools to optimize any JPEG, PNG and Gifs - including animated Gifs. Can do both lossy and lossless optimization. FREE Productivity Power Tools 2013 538K Microsoft DevLabs microsoft.com A set of extensions to Visual Studio 2013 Professional (and above) which improves...
The Python logging library has several standard classes that it uses to take a log message and write it to the chosen destination. For our purposes, the class type that we're going to use is the Handler. There are several handlers available via the standard library, and we're going to ...
Erick Watson was a manager at Microsoft a number of years ago, and he knows how to guide people to...Date: 06/26/2015WPF project that uses MySqlPrevious Related Blog Next Related Blog If you are like me, MySql is somewhat a strange land,......
python -m pytest path/to/file --device-address="[address]" This is needed for any and all tests. Fortunately there is the `Additional Arguments` option in a run configuration where I can add this flag. Unfortunately, I need to this again for every possi...
When you create a Python module, you can use a test script that imports your module. But you have probably noticed that when you repeatedly run the test script inside a given interactive session, it always uses the first version of your module, even if you made changes in the code. This...
/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: ascii -*-importos,sys...2.Withoutinterpreterline,using plain text:# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8importos,sys...3.Texteditorsmighthavedifferentwaysofdefiningthefile'sencoding,e.g.#!/usr/local/bin/python# coding: latin-1importos,sys.....