All user accounts registered in Windows have access to public folder, and any file and folder found in "C:\Users\Public" is completely accessible to all users. If a shortcut appears on everyone’s desktop, but you want it only on yours, simply move it from the public Desktop folder to...
如果ALLUSERS 属性的值不等于 2,Windows Installer 将忽略属性的值。 Windows 经典示例 建议的默认安装上下文是每用户。 如果未设置 ALLUSERS,安装程序将执行每用户安装。 通过将 ALLUSERS 属性的值设置为空字符串 (""),即 ALLUSERS=“”,可以确保没有设置该属性。 确定DesktopFolder、ProgramMenuFolder、StartMenuF...
for Windows, with link to its download page for Mac OS, with link to its Apple store page for Linux system, with link to its official download page for iOS/iPadOS, with link to its Apple store page for Android, with link to its Play store page Chrome app or extension available, with...
Default User Profile hive - "WallPaper" registry setting not inherited by new users Default user profile: auto sort desktop icons DefaultUser0 after sysprep Delete Windows recovery environment Dell Inspiron 15 3000 series windows 10 installation from USB Deploying MSI using group policy startup logon...
.NET Standard2.0 (package-provided) Windows Desktop(3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
The Windows App SDK empowers all Windows desktop apps with modern Windows UI, APIs, and platform features, including back-compat support, shipped via NuGet. - microsoft/WindowsAppSDK
USERENVAPI BOOL GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryA( [out, optional] LPSTR lpProfileDir, [in, out] LPDWORD lpcchSize ); 参数[out, optional] lpProfileDir类型:LPTSTR指向缓冲区的指针,当此函数成功返回时,将接收路径。 将此值设置为 NULL 来确定缓冲区所需的大小,包括终止 null 字符。[...
Security Watch The Most Misunderstood Windows Security Setting of All TimeJesper JohanssonAlmost everyone who runs a network on Windows® has heard of NTLM version 2 (NTLMv2) and the LMCompatibilityLevel setting that governs it. The setting first became available in Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack...
Windows Administration: Problems of Privilege: Find and Fix LUA Bugs Windows Administration: Find Anything with Windows Desktop Search Windows Administration: Manage Printers with New Group Policy Features in Windows Server 2003 R2 From the Editor: August 2006 Toolbox: New Products for IT Professionals...
Security: Reduce Your Risk: 10 Security Rules To Live By Security: Group Policy: Ins And Outs Of Delegation And Control Desktop Deployment: Techniques for Simplifying Desktop Image Creation Windows Server 2003 R2: Get Control of File System Resources with Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Server 2003...