3 : at some time in the past : formerly it was once done that way 4 : by one degree of relationship cousin once removed once 2 of 3 noun : one single time just this once once 3 of 3 conjunction : as soon as once that is done, all will be well More...
When I read the blog from three years ago, I feel exhausted by the “me” I find there – by how hard I try at things even when clearly it is the wrong thing, how desperate I am to control things in my own stubborn but well-meaning way. I am frustrated by my default tendencies:...
Fly in my soup like Where's the waitress? Can I take this, really, can I finish this? These years and all these creatures It's my mistake, I'll make it Jayed up to the boom now make it Bounce-wiggle bounce-wiggle Shakin' all them bangs out ...
When I read the blog from three years ago, I feel exhausted by the “me” I find there – by how hard I try at things even when clearly it is the wrong thing, how desperate I am to control things in my own stubborn but well-meaning way. I am frustrated by my default tendencies:...
We know the web damned well. It's just that we started nailing events, too. It's become a bit of a ménage à trois thing, only without the guilt. @media @media, one of the world's foremost professional web design conferences, brings together some of the most highly respected web exp...
That is why we love what is like ourselves, and are afraid of what is strange." While I cast the story of grieving my own rootlessness as an exercise in meaning- making, my experiences should not be misunderstood as being universally norma- tive. There is a huge disparity in different ...
I was 22 and knew nothing of what this great big world had in store for me. He would tell me I wouldn’t make it in NYC. That it was too big and scary. He found the smallest ways to put me down that last year when all I needed was someone to build me up. Well look at me...
What’s behind the meaning to a bands name? In the case of Chattanooga, Tennessee based Faith Head, it refers to ‘someone who holds irrational religious fundamentalist beliefs and no matter what evidence is provided to the contrary will never change’ (quoting the Urban Dictionary).Read Full ...
Baeis used as a verb meaning “to make someone your significant other,” as in “to bae or nah to bae.” While William Shakespeare gets credit for popularizing countless terms in English, it’s safe to say he did not coin the verb use ofbae. ...
Tim Flach is an animal photographer with an interest in the way humans shape animals and shape their meaning while exploring the role of imagery in fostering an emotional connection. Bringing to life the complexity of the animal kingdom, his work ranges widely across species, united by a distin...