The yarn winder is, no doubt, a godsend for crochet and knitting hobbyists. With its sophisticated features, it can make things a whole lot easier on your end as well as save your great deal of time. And, contrary to popular believe, yarn winders are quite inexpensive. I had been croch...
I became desperate to find a way to do some stash-busting. And weaving is a great way to bust a stash. Although weaving uses less yarn than knitting, it is much faster. In the time would take me to knit a single 5- or 6-feet-long scarf, I could weave a ...
Controlling individual bobbin speeds in multi-bobbin yarn winder as function of available yarn lengths and/or tensions. The mechanism prevents yarn breakage and simultaneously winds bobbins with equal winding density whilst driving all bobbins from a common shaft rather than using individually variable ...
5) hank yarn winder 绞纱络筒机6) drum hank winder 纹纱络筒机补充资料:变频器在络筒机上的应用 用变频调速器改装的自动络筒机有控制灵活、调速简便、便于微机集中控制和PLC控制的优点, 深得用户的欢迎。 采用变频器的新型自动络筒机系统框图如图所示。每个变频器控制一个单锭的工作,并通过通讯口实现与...
1) yarn spiral winder 棉线缠绕机 1. This paper introduces the structure of GRM-2SD120yarn spiral winder, respectly introduces the main part of the machine consisting of creels die, creel chuck, rubber isolating, principle of drive, electrical control and technical data. ...
Here at Just Crafting Around, we have dedicated ourselves to providing our readers with information, inspiration, and ideas about all things craft and DIY.
The change the bearing mountings of a reciprocating yarn guide rod at a bobbin winder for cross wound bobbins, using a rod of carbon fibers and the like, the bearings are all changed together where the gap between adjacent bearings is at least twice the reciprocating stroke movement length. ...
The change the bearing mountings of a reciprocating yarn guide rod at a bobbin winder for cross wound bobbins, using a rod of carbon fibers and the like, the bearings are all changed together where the gap between adjacent bearings is at least twice the reciprocating stroke movement length. ...