s = [slice(None,None, j)forjini]yieldnp.transpose(m[s], p) This works for any (even non-square) tensors of arbitrary dimension and is based directly on the definition of regular rotations under tensor algebra below. Background Easiest way to explain this is in tensor terms, so lets t...
That she teaches things well and to pay attention because she will explain things very clearly As long as you pay attention you’ll do great, in my opinion Mrs. Grayson does really well teaching topics. What advice would you give a student who will be taking this math class (Algebra 1/A...
Adam interviews Sam about how the abstract algebra and probabilistic data structures help solve fast versus big data issues that many are struggling with. Adam talks to Sam Ritchie, a machine learning researcher. Stop in to hear Adam and...more.. ...
The clerk, following her suggestion would stick my foot on this strange device move a few things back and forth as if he was preparing to measure twice and cut once, then announce the new foot size to the entire store as if he made a world altering discovery. “Yep that is a B width...
The Quantitative Reasoning section is exactly that: areasoningtest. This means you don’t have to worry about advanced calculus, trigonometry, proofs, or really anything that you studied past the third year of high school. The test primarily focuses on arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. ...
Further, both methods are fairly accessible to good algebra students. The question of when to take an algebraic approach rather than a geometric approach to a geometry problem is frequently difficult for students to answer; hopefully, looking at this problem from both perspectives will give students...
Description:Being “woke” just means being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination – just knowing that these things exist and trying to recognize them when present. The way I see it, that’s well under a teacher’s job description. After all, who else will teach the true history that...
So I’m going to pause, take a moment and really think about things. Heck! I might find out that I simply can’t quit because I’ve got too much to say. Then again, I may only write when something really important comes up that I absolutely have to let loose on. ...
Ready to use XPrivacy? Then, here are the things you must have, to install XPrivacy. REQUIREMENTS: Your device must have proper root access. XPosed Installer(Updated Framework). SuperSU/superuser/Busybox. Android 4.0.3 or later If your device have proper root access,download Xposed Installer...
(mostly majors), and in one semester taught an undergraduate ear training class. After leaving Maynard Ferguson’s band, I did something perhaps a bit unusual; I taught kindergarten for a year. At that school, I also ended up teaching one class of algebra, one class of pre-algebra, and ...