Every Day Action announced this week that Eric Christian Olsen has been chosen as their first ever Celebrity Ambassador for the organization. Eric has supported their efforts from the very beginning ad is always putting others’ needs before his own. Eric responded that he is happy to be a[mor...
Due to an unfortunate incident resulting from an experiment gone horribly wrong, we’re having to move some things about a bit and make some repairs. We shan’t be long (We hope, though it would go a bit faster if someone who shall remain nameless, Sherlock, would get off the sofa and...
As always, the banter between all the characters is witty and whip-smart. The easter eggs that are throughout this story are like little drops of goodness for long-time fans. One of the many things I have always admired about Ms. Canterbary is the way she writes what I call witty rom...
Donna寫了一些Harvey跟Mike的fanfic而這些fic在整個辦公室中被傳閱,人們開始引用fic中的話且表現得有些異常,迷糊的呆麥還常常講一些引人遐想的話卻依舊呆呆的很迷惑爲什麽大家都在giggle……Noël, Noël (2/2) http://suitsmeme.livejournal.com/2038.html?thread=1714934#t1714934Fluff[s]少女[/s]小麥在...
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7353206/1/Crayons_For_The_Associate_Sir 原劇背景,Deaged! Mke(三歲),super auntie! Donna,Soft-heart Daddy! Harvey。 非常萌的文,我想看deaged梗好久了,因為不喜歡逛fanfic差點錯過(要不是因為LJ上的文掃得差不多了忍不住跑去逛fanfic...)。
I know that as a performer and writer, I’m average, at best. But I still have a voice. I still have something to offer. I’ve let my talents sit on the shelf collecting dust for ages. This is wrong and I don’t want to waste them like that anymore. Music, outside of karaoke...
The longer answer is that I’ve always written for my own amusement, but never let anyone read it until I went to university and started writing fanfic based on a role-playing game called Legend of the Five Rings. It was a rather unusual fanfic community, because people generally used the...
It could be 2 things. 1, unsullied and Drogon entering winterfell and she sees Drogon. Or 2. It would not be the first time they will mix 2 scenes for a trailer. It’s possible she sees Jon but I think it’s 1. Drogon time. About the other shows. Big Little Lies, I will ...
One of the most interesting things – and by interesting I mean scary – about the reaction to Sad Puppies 3 is that many people who are anti-puppy (always wanted to write that) were mad at Brad for “not telling people you were putting them on the slate
I was 16 when I first discovered slash fanfic (good ol’ Kirk/Spock!). As I got older and my interests spread slash relationships in other fandoms, I began to notice a distinct pattern of GFY (or “We’re Not Gay, We Just Fuck Each Other”) stories. This started to bother me. I...