Joy to the World 2013 Just As I Am Just As I Am 2015 Lead Me to Calvary Lead On O King Eternal Leaning On the Everlasting Arms Like a River Glorious Midnight Clear (Hear the Angels) More Love to Thee My Country 'Tis of Thee My Jesus I Love Thee My Savior's Love...
I will also be talking to industry folks like Dan Brock (Forefront), Jerry Bryant (Full Circle), Doug Van Pelt (HM Magazine), Brian Tong (Frontline Records), Dan Russell (Fingerprint/Mark Heard), Jimmy Kempner (Calvary Costa Mesa Saturday Night Concerts/Frontline) and host of other label o...
This is definitely a scene I can get behind—sitting in the backyard, Flatland Calvary playing in the background, a glass of rosé, and some friendly competition. The sets come in green, red, and blue and I will be spending way too much time deciding which color to add to my game ...
Comedy gets no respect, no respect at all. Sure, everyone loves to laugh, and just about every film buff has a comedy movie they hold close to their heart. But for some reason, when it comes to awards and canonisation, comedies still get short shrift in the history of cinema. That’s...
This is the country where the sport was refined from its Asiatic roots by British Calvary Officers who saw the tremendous value of polo in the development of horsemanship, leadership and teamwork for the training of young officers. It was this evolution of the sport of polo that then was ...